Amikor először megnéztem a Hotel California akkusztikus verziójának előadását a Youtube-on, rögtön a gitárért nyúltam, hogy azonnal megtanuljam a fantasztikus…
Az első részben írtam arról, hogy egy ideális könnyed kapcsolatteremtés hogyan zajlik. Megérkeztél, csevegésbe kezdtél valakivel, találtatok érdekes témákat, majd…
This is the third in a series of 5 blog posts on “Your Toolkit For Small Talk”.These posts are about…
This is the second in a series of 5 blog posts on “Your Toolkit For Small Talk”. These posts are…
Imagine, you are seated at a table with 7 other people. Be it at a wedding, at a conference or…
Small talk is way more important in life than most would think. Some think business is all about numbers. Yes,…
It has finally arrived. Small talk training is here. You know that feeling when in the morning you leave for…
At the age of 18, when I went from high school to university, there was one thing I was sure…
You are about to get in front of 150 people and you’ve just realized you left your mojo home. Mojo…
You never know when a tight corner will come. Better to learn to smalltalk before you need it. My tight…